
My name is Josh Hubbard, and I’m a designer, storyteller and academic with a Bachelor of Science in Games + Simulation and a Bachelor of Art in History. Growing up in a small town in Ohio one had to find something to do in their abundant spare time as there wasn’t much to do, so I developed three major interests: history, storytelling and games of all kinds. As I grew up those interests never faded, soon becoming the foundation of my education after I graduated high school.

Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, is the college I attended starting in the Fall of 2019. At first the only degree I was pursuing was my BA in history, but by next semester I found myself in the new formed Games + Simulation department as my second degree. I was beyond interested in learning how interactive experiences were made, and when I saw the opportunity I decided to take it. To say it was challenging though would be an understatement.

Growing up where I did, I never got access to classes that taught coding or how to really use a computer, so I went into the program with nothing but my own storytelling and technological experience. I had to start from scratch, teaching myself how to succeed in all these new and interesting fields, bolstered by the expectational help of my professors and peers. If I met my 2019 self now, they wouldn’t believe all the software and systems I’ve now become so familiarized with, but I’m still learning and growing every single day.

Thanks to my education I’ve been able to combine my love for history with my knack for storytelling, and put it into interactive environments for others to use and enjoy. To be able to say I’m a professional is a privilege that I try to honor everyday in every piece of work I do. Every success and failure I’ve had along the way has helped me improve my craft and who I am as a person, and I hope to continue to grow as time goes on.