Designer Case Studies


(Note: this section is focused mainly on my game and narrative design experiences. The Storyteller section is more focused on my writings both in and out of games. For my academic papers and work, see the Academic section.)

My schedule is open for consulting on many different topics, including but not limited to:

  • narrative design

  • UI/UX design

  • worldbuilding

  • game design

I’m always looking to assist clients, meet new people and create fantastic work. Visit my contact page to learn how to reach me!

As a designer, I excel in aspects of game and narrative design. Taking many classes on the subjects during my undergraduate education, gaining certifications through Udemy and improving my skills with my own personal projects, I’m able to go into a project at any stage and create quality work. Both my collaborative projects and personal work showcases my ability to adjust quickly to any situation.

My consultant work started out by assisting peers whenever they requested it on projects ranging from video games to story worlds, but I wish to expand. Taking my experience so far, I’m constantly looking for more projects to help on, both in game design and narrative design.

Collaborative work is a field I shine in. Being able to bounce ideas off of others in real time helps immensely in the creation of fantastic content. I’m a major people person, in the past working mainly in jobs where I’ve interacted with people every moment of the day. In groups I’m able to complete work before the deadlines, always with guaranteed quality, and help guide peers to do the same.